Aciclovir (Virogon) - Interpharma Group

Aciclovir (Virogon)

Aciclovir (Virogon)

A antiviral that inhibit viral DNA synthesis and viral replication. The organ that infected gradually improved.


Use for the treatment and prophylaxis of viral infection due to herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster (shingle and zoster) and varicella (chickenpox)


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- Acyclovir is a antiviral that inhibit viral DNA synthesis and viral replication.
- Use for the treatment and prophylaxis of viral infection due to herpes simplex virus of the skin and mucous membrane (type 1 and type 2)
- For treatment of herpes zoster (shingle and zoster) and varicella (chickenpox)
- Use for cytomegalovirus meningitis.

- Virogon (Aciclovir 200 mg)
- Virogon 400 (Aciclovir 400 mg)
- Virogon 800 (Aciclovir 800 mg)