EarKleen Plus - Interpharma Group

EarKleen Plus

EarKleen Plus

Anti-mites gentle ear cleaning solution


Innovative ear cleaning solution: anti-mites formulation with gentle, skin-friendly PH and natural scents that is alcohol-free and suitable for dogs and cats of any breed and any age


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- anti-mites formulation
- the effect of ear mite irritation
- reduce inflammation, edema, and redness
- reduce itch and dry
- gental cleansing with non-irritation

4 combinations of natural remedies that have an effect on anti-mites, the ear mite irritation, reducing inflammation, edema, and redness from itch. In the ear mite's life cycle, treatment has been taken for at least 21 days. Finally, gentle and non-irritating products are of the utmost importance in combination with long-term treatment.