Baclofen (Macloten) - Interpharma Group

Baclofen (Macloten)

Baclofen (Macloten)

An antispasmodic agent that induces muscle relaxation


Treat pain and muscle stiffness and tightness from multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and other spinal cord diseases.


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Baclofen is used to treat pain and certain types of spasticity
- muscle stiffness and tightness from multiple sclerosis
- spinal cord injuries
- other spinal cord diseases.

Bacloten action results in inhibition of the transmission of both mono- and polysynaptic reflexes at the spinal cord, relaxing spasticity. It is indicated for treat muscle stiffness and tightness from multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and other spinal cord diseases.

- Macloten (Baclofen 10 mg)