MaxiMune Solution - Interpharma Group

MaxiMune Solution

MaxiMune Solution

The Immune Cell Activation For The Herd Immunity


The Herd Immunity Of Animal Farming Is One Of The Key Success In Livestock Business


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• Activate and harmonize the immunity of the herd
• Reduce the gap of herd imunity
• Reduce the subpopulation animals that become the reservior and re-shedding to the herd
• Reduce the side effects from vaccination
• Shorten the recovery time in illness animals

• MSP Immunity is the key molecule that activate the immune cell
• Binding with the TLR4 Receptor to send the signal of immune system
• Can apply with any program vaccine
• Can apply with any species
• Dose 0.5-1 L/1,000 L drinking water
• Pack size 1 and 5 L bottle