Oclay Secure - Interpharma Group

Oclay Secure

The Disinfectant Clay from 100% Natural Ingradients For Alll Species Of Livestock Farming


The Leave On Disinfectant Clay For Clean Up The Pathogen By Strongly Acidity Effect From The Natural Essentials Oil Complex For All Species Of Livestock Animals


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• The disinfectant clay without any irritation effect for animal and safety to human
• The killing property from strongly acid from natural essential oils complex
• Broad spectrum effect to pathogens which follow the pH range of OIE list
• Can use both of before and import an animal to the house
• Can use in any species of livestock animal

• Sprinkle on the floor which to need to clean
• Can apply by hand or blower machine
• Apply by every 2 days for effective result or as you need
• Apply 50 -100 g/sqm
• Pack size 20 kg bag