Canglob - Interpharma Group


Immunoglobulin for Dogs


Immunoglobulins for dogs with safety, reliable, and efficient Canglob is an integral part of Canine Parvo Virus or Canine Distemper Virus infection


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Immunoglobulin for Dogs

Heterologous hyperimmune immunoglobulins (IgY) with wide application in veterinary practice. They are used to provide passive immunity in animals, for which active immunization is not suitable, mostly in weakened animals, before transfers and exposed to various other stress factors. Canglob is an integral part of therapy at given infectious diseases.

- CANGLOB P : Product intended for treatment and prophylaxis of dogs against parvovirus in cases, where causative agent is known.
- CANGLOB D FORTE : Product intended for treatment and prophylaxis of dogs against canine distemper in cases, where causative agent is known.